Written by Paul Gamlowski
Jessica and Mark sat at a private booth in a restaurant.
"Hey Jess, check this out," Mark whispered. "Oh, wait. First, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone. Even with my fiance, I can get in big trouble for breaking my NDA."
"Don't be silly, Mark." She winked and smiled. "You can trust me."
"All right, here it is …" He projected a retinal encrypted image off his phone into her eyes.
"Is that a chip inside a brain?"
"Yep, it's an IoT chip, which means …"
"I'm not dumb, Mark. I work in tech too. It means Internet of Things."
"You're right. Sorry. So, as you can see, a person can be plugged in to know almost everything."
"Won't that get overwhelming, Mark?"
"Ah, smart of you to ask that … That's exactly what I'm working on now. An AI-driven predictive system. It'll tell you what you need to know before you ask, so it spoon feeds the mind one topic at a time."
"Wait, Mark, are you saying it'll give you information before you even know you want it?"
"That's correct. Imagine all your current life struggles becoming stress-free on an auto-pilot. Always with an all-knowing AI guide making the perfect choices for you. You wouldn't have to worry about a thing."
"I dunno. I mean, I like to make my own choices."
"But, Jess, what if you make the wrong ones? It'll make humanity foolproof."
"I see what you mean, Mark, but what about free will?"
"You sound like some of my older colleagues." Mark huffed. "Honestly, Jess, what would you rather have: Everything you ever wanted or so-called free will?"