Written by Paul Gamlowski
Robert and Francesca Jones enjoyed their evening dinner with a glass of wine.
“Have you met our new neighbor?” asked Francesca.
“No, I haven’t,” answered Robert.
“His name’s Joshua. He’s a bit eccentric, but …” Francesca smiled. “I think he’s a genius.”
“What makes you think he’s a genius?” asked Robert.
“Well, I was trying to get the car charged, but something was wrong with the adapter, so he told me to wait a few minutes. He then entered his garage for a while and came back with a device.”
“Oh right, and he plugged it into the wall?” Robert raised an eyebrow.
“No, not quite. The small device instantly charged the car!” said Francesca.
“That’s unbelievable!” Robert swirled his wine.
For years Joshua helped his neighbors by repairing things, creating things, and performing acts that only happened in sci-fi or fantasy stories.
For example, no one had to shop at a grocery store or buy products online.
He made everything for them, but even better—more nutritional or capable of self-charging, hovering, teleporting, or shape-shifting. They never had to see a doctor or call an ambulance. He cured their diseases, healed their wounds, and stopped aging—a golden ticket toward utopian immortality.
In return, the neighbors had to make a secret pact with him not to share what wonders he had brought to them with the outside world.
A doorbell rang at the Jones residence.
Francesca partly opened the front door with its security chain latched—“Yes, who are you?”
“Ma’am, I’m agent Detro, and this here is agent Morales.” They showed their credentials. “We’ve come to inquire about your neighbor across the street.”
“Oh, I’ve rarely spoken to him. He’s so quiet. What did he do wrong?”
“This may sound fantastic, ma’am, but we suspect him of war crimes.”
“Oh my! Like what kind?”
“He might be responsible for the deaths of millions of his own kind … I mean, people.”
“But how? He seems so gentle and reserved and never talks.”
“He’s a scientist, ma’am. Possibly responsible for the development of WMDs that have caused unspeakable atrocities.”
“That’s horrible! Are we safe?”
“Yes, ma’am, I don’t think he’ll try anything yet, but if he does, here’s my card. We’ll keep the area under surveillance.”
“Thank you for protecting us, Agents!” She closed the door.
“Who was it, dear?” Robert asked while he sat on the living room couch watching TV.
“He was right!”
“Who was right?”
“Our neighbor, Joshua!”
Francesca scurried down into the basement and teleported into a cloaking chamber across the street.
“You were right, Joshua! They came looking for you.”
“Did they mention why?”
“Yes, but don’t worry, I know we all make mistakes. Now, where’s that fantastically delicious apple pie you were going to materialize for us?”