Written by Paul Gamlowski
Hundreds of 'preppers,' including some notable scientists, gathered in a secret location inside an underground bunker network built as a giant faraday cage. They stocked up and loaded powerful EMP weapons (capable of instantly shutting down remote-controlled drones and androids).
Their charismatic leader, a physicist, Dr. Julian Frank, stood at a podium. "Please, everyone, have a seat. This meeting is a call to arms."
"You know they call us Neo-Luddites, but we know the truth." Dr. Frank smiled. "We're prepared for the coming apocalypse!"
Members already armed with EMP rifles raised their weapons.
"Let's remember why we're here. We're here because of the neural implants. They all have them now, restricting their freedoms with that constant 'inner voice of wisdom' as they claim, but we know it's a form of brainwashing for absolute mass population control. "
Many members nodded and shouted: "Yes!" "That's right!" "Amen."
"Technology is a religion: It has followers. It controls their destinies, and they conform to it. They blindly believe it will save them from death with a new god to worship, so they hope and pray for an AI savior."
Dr. Frank holographically projected a recording of a top-secret demonstration.
"s predicted, it's happening. As you see, our high-level engineering insider has discovered a new groundbreaking chip under development. The singularity is near!"
Some members gasped.
"But the coming singularity is real because people believe it's real, and that is the problem—since they believe it is real, they live in a world that worships technology. A self-fulfilling prophecy. Their actions based on those beliefs affect our lives drastically and miserably; case in point, the ubiquitous implants."
Members clapped and muttered to one another in agreement.
"But do not worry, my friends. We're well prepared. We shall resist the imminent self-destruction above on the surface!" Dr. Frank raised an EMP rifle. "Let us seal the voluntary 'keepers' to preserve the next generation for a truly human beginning, and then we fight for humanity!"